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No. | Penulis/ Kontributor | Tahun | Judul Artikel Ilmiah |
1 | Tirta, IM | 2015 | Analisis Respon Item Menggunakan R untuk Respon Dikotomus Dengan Model Logistik (1-PL, 2-PL 3-PL) | 2 | Tirta, IM & Anggraini, D | 2015 | Clustering: Analysis and Validations Using R | 3 | Wijiasih, L.; Tirta, IM. & Anggraini, D | 2015 | Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) dengan Respon Multinomial Berskala Ordinal |
Analisis IRT ( Item Response Theory) merupakan metode modern untuk menganalisis kualitas butir soal yang menggunakan pendekatan model logistik. Dalam tutorial ini
anda bisa berlatih menerapkan IRT untuk menganalisis butir soal tipe dikotomus menggunakan model 1 PL (model Rasch,untuk menganalisis tingkat kesulitan butir soal), model 2 PL (untuk menganalisis tingkat
kesulitan dan diskriminasi butir soal) dan 3 PL (untuk menganalisis tingkat
kesulitan, tingkat diskriminasi dan tebakan butir soal).
Kata kunci: analisis butir soal, item response theory, latent trait model, opensource R, rasch model, online tutorial.
Artikel lengkap
Cluster Analysis is considered as one of frequently applied multivarate analyses in biological researches. The result of clustering analyses are more frequently influenced by the combination of choices of (i) cluster algorithms, (ii) distance measures and (iii) linkage methods. Further evaluation of the choices to get the better or the best clustering result are therefore needed. The procedures are known as cluster validations. However cluster validations are generally not found in standar statistical softwares, or if they are available (as in R) they can not be easily accessed by practical researchers. In article we illustrates the the application of the cluster analyses and validations using biological data. We also provide more detail analysis of the choosen method (including graphical illustrations, such as dendogram and other mapping graphics), so that the results become more meaningful and understandable.
Keywords : biological data, cluster analysis,cluster validation, R, R-Shiny
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